Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Japanese Ocho Cinco.

In case you don't know, this is Ocho Cinco.
He's a big part of The Unnamed Football Project.
I'm fascinated right now with the National Football League as the mythology of the United States.

Now, let me make this clear--I'm not exactly a football fan.
I mean, I watch it, and I enjoy it, and I know some things about it.
I'm doing a damn good job in my fantasy football league, mainly because I picked Ladainian Tomlinson to get things started.
But as far as sports go, I will always be baseball first.

There's something really specific about the NFL though.
Maybe it's the fact that there's a whole day of the week set aside special for its games.
Maybe it's the Super Bowl.
Professional football plays are icons in a way that very few athletes are these days.
They're larger than life.
They're archetypes.
We see one side of these guys, and they get labeled, and they become almost parodies of themselves through no fault of their own.

Sometimes, a guy like Ocho Cinco has a little fun with that.
And that's spectacular.

And that's what I'm interested in.

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